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Hi There! I’m Karen Martinez

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Abstract Architecture
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Art Work

IMG-8331 (1).jpg

Mixed Media

I used ink, ink wash, Micron pens, watercolor, and colorpencil on Bristol paper


Micron Pen

I used Micron pen to create the stippling in the butterfly

Charcoal & Pastel

I used black charcoal and white pastels



I used Graphite pencils to create this still life

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About Me

My Background

Hello, My name is Karen Martinez. I'm currently at Illinois State University. I am majoring in art education. I have always had a passion for art and how art can have so much meaning and have their own stories. Here you will find documentation of my teaching experiences in ISU's art Ed. program, as well as my personal art portfolio!

Home: About Me

Teaching Portfolio

ART 201: Media Techniques & Inquiry for Elementary & Middle Level Schools

Clinical observation

Description: For this class I observed Mrs. Shanta amongst other teachers for two weeks at High Road School. This school is a Special Education School. The classroom I observed were 2nd graders and around the ages of 6/7. The children in this classroom had autism, learning disabilities and other disabilities. There were 4 teachers and 7 students. I was able to observe in person and see how the teachers taught and see how a classroom runs.

Rational: Being in the classroom allowed me to experience a lot of different teaching techniques, assignments, behavior control and strategies. I learned a lot of new techniques and strategies that I can use in a classroom. 

Artist Ritual/Collection

 For this assignment we had the opportunity to chose our own ritual/ collection that we will be doing throughout the fall semester. For my ritual I chose for my topic was "Trying something new" at least once or twice a week. Trying something new can range from new foods, activities or new experiences. Doing this ritual throughout the semester has let me try new things and grow as well as breaking out of a routine.


During this class, we each had to pick a day to create a warm up for the class. Once my day arrived It was on a Zoom call. The prompt I chose was, "draw or type anything that you enjoy about fall. it could be one thing or multiple of things you enjoy" This warmup can be used in my future classroom to have the students get creative and come up with ideas before they begin to draw.

Artist research

Description: For this assignment, we had to find an artist and do research on them and create a PowerPoint and present. The artist I chose was Isabel Bishop.

Rational: while researching for an artist I was able to find diverse artist that were in the 1950's. While doing research I was able to understand as a teacher, that giving your students a wide variety of artists exposes them to new ideas.

PAL 1 "Under the Cottonwood Tree"

In this webinar they spoke about the journey through this comic book. They showed scenes in the comic book and the choices they’ve made. In the crash scene they transitioned from black and white to color. in the comic the artist captures motion within the panels that moves from panel to panel. one of the spoke persons Victor mentioned how there's separate panels that tell this story and the details put into this to depict the crash. There is details and motion throughout the panels.  It’s interesting and informative on how a book is created and what goes into it and how many of them interpreted the book and mentioned things I didn't see right away.

Teach Anything Video

Description: For this class we were instructed to make a "teach anything video" where we had to create a video of ourselves teaching the audience to do something that was non art related. I chose to teach how to make my favorite coffee

Rational: When doing this video it taught me what goes into creating a "How to" video and how much detail goes into it. I learned the importance of detail for the audience to understand and follow the steps. This could be used in my future classroom when introducing new materials or explaining a lesson that requires steps.  

Home: Experience

Teacher Portfolio

Art 211 (2022)


IPTS (2013) -STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

Description: In this unit I use some summative assessments, there is one rubric that was used to assess the students at the end of the unit plan. Throughout the unit the students will be doing a lot of conversing with peers and one on one talks with the teacher. This will be how I assess the students formatively. It will be based on the conversations they have to check on their progression and understanding.

Rationale: Having the formative conversations throughout the lesson allows active and immediate feedback which is beneficial for the students to receive. Waiting until the end of the unit for a summative assessment allows for  the student's to explore and investigate. This means students can explore to learn new skills that will make their final pieces successful. 

Evidence: You can find the Rubric in the link below


IPTS (2013) - STANDARD 1 - Teaching Diverse Students - The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.

Description: In this unit plan the students will be focusing on Functionality. The students will be using clay to create a functional mug.  By the end of the lesson the students will have learned techniques and methods that will be used when creating their piece.

Rationale: I want my students to learn methods and techniques that can be used when creating their functional piece.  

Evidence: You can find my unit plan in the link below


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 6 -Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication - The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.

Description:  Included in this section is my artist handout for this unit plan. This handout includes critical information and themes about the artist, vocabulary for the unit, and questions for the students to think about before and when working on their functional mugs. Also included is the power point for the lesson which has diverse artists for the students to compare and contrast to their own work and the lesson. 

Rationale: The questions in the artist handout strongly pertain to the subjective frame, the structural frame, and the cultural frame. The questions that are in the subjective frame ask the students about their experience. I want to know the student's first impressions, what they see, and how it makes them feel. For the structural frame the conversation shifts to ask about the students process and working on using academic language for visual arts. Lastly, I use the cultural frame in conjunction with talking about Lalese, Jennifer, and Katie. Students will discuss their own work and the artists to talk about functionality, color and the meaning behind their work.

Evidence: To access the PowerPoint and artist handout there is a Link below.


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

Description: In this section I have included sketches and my final functional mug in this unit along with the accompanying artist statement. 

Rationale: The artist statement and art examples that I have provided show an understanding of the standard through the content area, the literacy involved through the artist statement, and the method of construction for the artwork. The artwork clearly connects to the artist statement. It clearly shows the central concept of the lesson which functionality.

Evidence: In the link below you can access my artist statement and other materials.

Home: Experience

ART 211

PROFESSIONALISM, ADVOCACY & LEADERSHIP: PAL 1 (2 submissions)/ PAL 2 (2 submissions)

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Home: Education


PAL 1 

Description: I visited the Transpace Gallery in the center for the visual Arts building. In Spring 2022. This piece is called, “Father and Son” by AJ Westly. This student went to Washington community high school and won silver: second place. This painting was done in acrylic. The reason this piece stood out to me the most was because of the detail there is and the blending of the colors. It’s amazing how well done this piece is and looks meaningful to the artist. 

The second painting that caught my eye was by Sylvie Leyerle. This piece was titled “White Swan” This student went to Centennial Highschool.  This piece won Bronze: Third place. The category of this artwork is Mixed media/ Alternative Media.

Rationale: Using this opportunity to see these students work furthered my understanding of what students are capable of and to see art from different schools. 

Evidence: The images of these pieces are located at the slideshow above.


Description: For this pal I had to use a 5x5 paper and was given the option of choosing any medium and any subject to make this artwork. I choose to use watercolor pens and micron pens. I like koi fish and thought it would look really nice with the watercolor. This piece will be displayed in the art ed glass case as a mini exhibit.

Rationale: As a future teacher I think it is important for me to broaden my view on the world of fine arts. I experimented with multiple of mediums on this art piece. It will also allow me to help my students explore new types of mediums in the classroom and encourage them to add different mediums to their artworks. 

Evidence: The image of this piece is located on the slideshow above


Description: I went to Isu's art gallery and walked around the gallery. An artwork that I saw was made out of glass which is why it caught my attention. This artwork was titled "Do Not Duplicate" it was a big piece, and the keys were large and colorful. I was intrigued by the title of this piece because the artwork itself was of keys which is something you normally would duplicate. It made me curious on the reasoning behind the title and why the artist chose to title their artwork with that name. I enjoyed the scale of this piece because it was quite a larger scale and made it enjoyable to see something that is normally small so big. You were able to notice the detail and patience that was put into this artwork.

Rationale: Being able to watch artwork from previous professors and faculty I was able to further my understanding of the professional art world.

Evidence: The image of this piece is located on the slideshow above.


Description: I had two of my artworks displayed in Transpace. This was a class group display. In my drawing class we worked with the motion of the body. The one on the left is titled “SOL”. It was done in watercolor. The one on the right is titled, “ECHO” and it was done in charcoal. This piece is 5ft tall and 5ft wide. Both pieces were fun to make and out of my comfort zone. Making these pieces with the movement of the body was an interesting experience

Rationale: Submitting work to a gallery is not only important for my growth as an artist but shows the dedication to my own profession/craft. In the future when I have students who want to submit works to galleries, I will have the knowledge to share with them the process of work documentation and submission.

Evidence: The images of these pieces are located on the slideshow above

Teaching Philosophy

As a future educator, I aim to provide students the opportunity to explore their identities and ideas in a JUDGMENT-FREE zone. All students should be in an environment where they feel comfortable and can express themselves freely. In my classroom, students will be engaging in conversations and viewing diverse ARTISTS with whom they can relate to. I aspire to focus on the specific needs of my students. I will work hard to differentiate learning so that each student’s unique skills are emphasized. I want my students to grow artistically and creatively.

Home: Text

SED 344

Summer 22'
Teacher: Mandy White

Home: Text

ART 309-001

Description, Rationale for Saturday Class First Three Weeks - evidence includes a unit plan for the first three weeks, artwork for each week, handout for each week - 27 pts
Description, Rationale for Saturday Class Second Two Weeks - evidence includes a unit plan for the second two weeks, artwork for each week, handout for each week - 21 pts
Description, Rationale, Evidence : Classroom setup -9 pts
Description, Rationale, Evidence for each of 2 PAL 1s -12pts
Description, Rationale, Evidence for each of 2 PAL-2 s-12pts


IPTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teachers creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS Standard 8- Collaborative Relationships - The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development. This teacher works as a team with professional colleagues, students, parents or guardians, and community members.

Description of 7th-grade Lesson plan: This 7th-grade lesson plan was taught to two students. The big idea for this plan was "Traditional Dish". This unit will cover the bases of understanding what a tradition is through ceramic media. In this lesson, students will learn about artists and discuss their content.  Students may reflect on their own practices or create their own traditions. Students will be making cultural plates and foods made out of ceramics. Additionally, students will cover the basic skills of manipulating clay.

7th-grade Rationale:

The idea of creating a traditional dish came from the book "May Your Life be Deliciosa" We thought that this was a great way to learn more about our student's culture and traditions as well as for them to create meaningful art to share with their peers. 

Description of 2nd-grade Lesson plan: In this unit, students will look at various artists who create dreamlike worlds. Students will then create their own landscapes using mixed media that will act as the backgrounds of their own dream worlds. The project will then become mixed media as students will cut out pieces of paper from magazines to turn their art into collages and finalize their own fantasy world inspired by the artists.  

2nd-grade Rationale: The idea of creating dream-like worlds using collaging was to allow our students to be creative and to bring to life their perfect worlds. This lesson allowed us to learn about each student's interests in such a short period of time. 

Evidence: Lesson Plans for both 7th & 2nd grade as well as teacher examples/artist statements can be found by selecting the button labeled "Saturday Class Evidence" below 


IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment - The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal setting. This includes a virtual environment and any learning aids used within a Google Drive.
7D: understands how to organize the instructional environment to maximize students’ learning.

Description: (To see the classroom setup please click on the button located at the bottom of the text) The images you see are of the 7th-grade classroom setup.

Rationale: Materials were located in the same spot for the 3 Saturday classes. The reasoning behind this was for students to become familiar with where they will grab their materials and where they should put them when class ends.

For our seventh-grade classroom, we had a total of two students. We made sure that the students sat next to each other. As well as having an excellent view to see the projector screen and the vocabulary posters. 

There were also posters displayed on a blackboard every Saturday class. These posters were of the vocabulary we went through and a clean-up poster showcasing the steps to clean up clay properly.

Evidence: Images To see the classroom setup can be found by clicking on the button located at the bottom of the text.


IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: The BLM Curriculum website was shown to me in my EAF class. Going through this website I found "Revolutionary Black Arts" which showcases four artists.

Rationale: Looking at "Revolutionary Black Arts" it showcases four artists, Augusta Savage, Alma Thomas, Faith Ringgold, and Jasmine Mans. In this padlet/website has information/resources on each artist as well as lesson plans that I find beneficial and would like to use either the artists or lessons in my own class.

Evidence: Website link: 

Curriculum - BLM AT SCHOOL (

April Curriculum - Revolutionary Black Arts (

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 
7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops).

Description: For my second Pal 1 I viewed Kameron Tunk's Instagram. Her Instagram page showcases different artworks created with different mediums such as colored pencils, graphite, acrylic paint, etc.

Rationale: Viewing Kameron's page she showcases using different mediums, styles, and techniques. I like the idea of keeping everything in one place where it can be shared as well as seeing the progress of one's art. I would like to do this with my future students either by having them create an Instagram page dedicated to only art or a Google Folder that can be shared with their peers.

Evidence: You can click the button below this text box labeled "Evidence" to view a screenshot of Kameron's Instagram page as well as her Instagram Handle


IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: For this pal, I was given a piece of paper and had the opportunity of choosing any medium and any subject to make this artwork. I choose to use Graphite and watercolor. This piece will be displayed in the art ed glass case as a mini-exhibit.

Rationale: The reason behind my drawing is to create a surrealist piece. I choose to use these two different mediums that went the best together. I drew three eyes that symbolized clouds hence the use of graphite and the tears running down symbolized rain hence the light blue-grey watercolor paint. The eyes are the focal point, and the tears are the leading lines. 

Evidence: You can find an image of my drawing by clicking the button labeled, "Evidence" at the bottom of this text box.

Description: For my second Pal 2 I did a commission for a friend of mine that wanted a black panther drawn for her in a traditional style. This traditional style is inspired by tattoos. The traditional style uses bold lines and a limited color palette. Traditional tattoos are also called “old school tattoos,” “Americana style,” or even “sailor tattoos,” since the more common designs were used to mark a sailor’s milestones or give him good luck. 

Rationale:  The black panther was done with black ink, red watercolor, black micron pens, and a white Jelly Roll pen. The techniques I used were ink wash, wet on wet with the watercolor, and stippling with both the micron and white pens. Once completed I framed it and delivered it to my friend. The reason it was done using different mediums and techniques was because that is something I enjoy doing with all my artwork.

Evidence: You can find an image of my drawing by clicking the button labeled, "Evidence" at the bottom of this text box.

Home: Experience

ART 309-002

Fall 22'

1- Library lesson plan, artwork, slideshow, how-to-video, and description and rationale (3 pts each - 18pts total)

2 - Unit plan, artist handout,  rubric, artwork, artist statement, description and rationale (3pts each -21 pts total)

3 - Literacy lesson, description and rationale (3pts each - 9pts total)

4 - Teaching philosophy, description and rationale  (3 pts each - 9 pts total)

5 - 2 Pal 1's, descriptions and rationales for each (18 pts)

6- 2 Pal 2's, descriptions and rationales for each (18 pts)

Library Lesson (Library lesson plan, artwork, slide show, and how-to-video)

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.

Description: This library lesson's central focus is surrealism using images from magazines and paper, students will create an effective surreal composition displaying their knowledge of elements of design.

Rationale: This library lesson was created to teach a lesson for 1 an hour and a half to community members. of different age ranges and skills. The purpose of this lesson was to use images from magazines and paper displaying any elements of design.

Evidence: Library Lesson Plan Links

309 UNIT PLAN (unit plan, artist handout, rubric, artwork, artist statement)

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 5 - Instructional Delivery – The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. This teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student. 

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 7 - Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

Description: Students will select a historical artist and research him/her using credible websites and/or books.   Once the research is completed the students will present their historical artist to the class. The students will then select an artwork by the artist they chose and will then remake the artwork of their choosing in any 2D medium. Students will also write or type up a artist statement. In the end, students will participate in an art show/class gallery. This lesson Is meant For Advanced High school students and will be used for student teaching in the Fall of 23

Rationale: The purpose of this lesson is for students to research a historical artist and select an artwork by them that they connect to. Students will present and gain more knowledge about other historical artists from their peers. 


By selecting the link below this text you will find the following: ​309 UNIT PLAN (unit plan, artist handout, rubric, artwork, artist statement)

​309 UNIT PLAN (Website)

Literacy Lesson

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge. 

Description: Students will use the link below located in "Evidence" to learn about our first artist that was introduced. Students will read the article and answer the questions. 

Rationale: The reason why I'm using Nearpod is that it gives real-time insights into student understanding through interactive lessons.

Evidence: The Link to my literacy Lesson:


7M: articulates a logical rationale for the role of the visual arts in the school curriculum, including philosophical and social foundations 
for visual arts education.

Description: "As a future educator, I aim to provide students the opportunity to explore their identities and ideas in a JUDGMENT-FREE zone. All students should be in an environment where they feel comfortable and can express themselves freely. In my classroom, students will be engaging in conversations and viewing diverse ARTISTS with whom they can relate to. I aspire to focus on the specific needs of my students. I will work hard to differentiate learning so that each student’s unique skills are emphasized. I want my students to grow artistically and creatively."

Rationale:  At the beginning of my junior year, we needed to create a teaching philosophy I thought I had a good philosophy up until taking SED 344. This was when I changed my philosophy to include focusing on the specific needs of my students as well as differentiate learning to best emphasize each of my student's unique skills. As of now, I believe my Teaching Philosophy best suits what I want to achieve as an educator.

Evidence: My teaching philosophy is in the description as well as it is located in its own section above labeled "Teaching Philosophy"


Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 

Description: For my first PAL 1 it's an image I took from the Chicago Art Institute. 

Rationale: The central focus is of the marble piece titled "Bust of a Youth (Saint John the Baptist?)" I took a picture of this piece because I admired the detail showcased. The reason why I took the image at an angle and not straightforward was that I liked how you were able to see the reflection of the piece from the case at the angle I was standing.

Evidence: Below this Text box you can see the image. It is also the first image and is labeled PAL 1.

Description: For my second Pal 1 I viewed Liv Shouse's Instagram. Her Instagram page showcases different artworks that she has created with different mediums such as charcoal, pastels, ink, and digital. 

Rationale: Viewing Liv's page she showcases a range of different mediums and artistic styles. I would like for my students to experiment with different mediums, styles, and techniques as she has done.

Evidence: Below this Text box you can see the image. It is also the second image and is labeled PAL 1.


Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 
7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops).

Description: For this pal, I was given a piece of paper and had the opportunity of choosing any medium and any subject to make this artwork. I choose to use watercolor and micron pens along with watered-down white acrylic. I went to the Art institute of Chicago and took an image of the view from the art institute that I really liked and decided to recreate that. This piece will be displayed in the art ed glass case as a mini-exhibit.

Rationale: As a future teacher I think it is important for me to broaden my view on the world of fine arts. I experimented with multiple of mediums on this art piece. It will also allow me to help my students explore new types of mediums in the classroom and encourage them to add different mediums to their artwork


You can find an image of this under this text box.

Description: For this pal, I had the opportunity to teach a mini-lesson on paint mixing. I had a group of eight students that each received a white piece of paper to work on, paint brushes, and acrylic paint. Each student received a handout that included definitions of color theory and the color wheel. There was also a brief description of the history behind it. 

Students learned to mix the primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) to create secondary colors and what colors they get by mixing both primary and secondary colors (= tertiary colors). Once the paint mixing was completed the students were able to create a painting using what they learned.

Rationale: As a future educator I believe it's important for students to experiment for themselves instead of giving them the answer. As well as giving them a brief history description of where it came from. 

Evidence: There is an image located below this text box.

Home: Experience

ART: 309:02 PAL Evidence










Home: Projects

Student Teaching 23'

Placement 1 August 2023 - October 2023
Placement 2 October 2023 - December 2023

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 5 - Instructional Delivery - The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. The teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student.

Description: For the first placement at BOYC I student-taught with DP Juniors. I did my Lesson on Duality Collage where students created a collage inspired by an artist. Students then create a collage based on a duality of their choice.
Rationale: I want my students to use Collage methods and techniques when creating their duality collage inspired by an artist.
Evidence: You can find my unit plan link to the right

 Back Of The Yards College Preparatory High School 

Description: For my Second Placement I created a Unit Inspired by Street Art and Graffiti. Students Created a 3d model of the intake of either Street Art or Graffiti. Students were introduced to artists who are a part of the Back Of The Yards community. 
Rationale: The idea Of creating a Street art & Graffiti model came from the Community. There are huge murals at the Back of the Yards. Learning all about graffiti and street art allows the students to learn more about their community and have a better understanding of the meaning behind it and how to create meaning and intentions behind their work. 
Evidence: The unit plan is located to the right

Cesar Chavez Upper Grade Center

Description: For this Unit, we started on drawing. Students experimented with a variety of drawing materials and later created an artwork. Using a drawing medium of their choice to draw anything of their choice.

Rationale: The idea of giving a variety of drawing mediums to students was to allow our students to experiment with multiple drawing mediums and to have a choice in what they use when creating their artworks.

Evidence: The esson Plan is located to the right.

Back Of The Yards College Preparatory High School

Description: For this lesson, it is based on student choice. Students were taught drawing techniques such as the grid method and how to transfer. Students were given the choice of creating artwork of their choice using any of the drawing materials provided.
Rationale: The idea of allowing students to create artwork of their choice is for students to create artwork that they enjoy and feel connected to.
Evidence: The lesson plan is located to the right.

Cesar Chavez Upper Grade Center

Home: Experience & Education
Home: Portfolio

PAL 1 & 2

Home: Services


Description: For My Pal 1 I viewed Ernesto Muniz's Instagram (munizer)His Instagram showcases a variety of collages that he's done. He uses a variety of mixed mediums to create his collages.
Rationale: Viewing Ernesto's page he uses different compositions when making his collages. He uses a variety of repetitions as well as mixed mediums when creating his collages. I would like for my students to view his work and find inspiration by his use of techniques and methods.
Evidence: The image to the left


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Feel free to contact me for any questions. I’d love to hear from you.


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